
Our Mission


Our Mission

To expand the reach of the Gospel in Alaska by:

  • Flying People & Supplies Where There Are No Roads

Using a variety of aircraft, we provide cost-shared passenger & cargo transportation to pastors and their families, missionaries, churches, para-church organizations, Bible camps, and short-term work groups conducting ministry activity in Alaska, Far Eastern Russia, and Northern Canada.  

Aviation is necessary: even though the state is larger than Texas, California, and Montana combined, the city of Seattle has more roads than the entire state of Alaska. With more than three million lakes and one hundred thousand glaciers (half of the world’s total), the terrain of Alaska is very unforgiving & virtually inaccessible without the use of aircraft.

Through a unique partnership with Samaritan’s Purse, our combined modernized fleet enables us to tailor flight services for the varied needs of our mission partners across Alaska. This consolidated capability allows us to operate safely and efficiently for their benefit despite the remote arctic conditions. In addition to supporting ongoing youth development and community improvements, our combined mission efforts enable rapid response to provide relief aid & services during emergency situations across Alaska.

Mission flights, ministry flights
  • Supporting Other Missionaries & Their Aircraft

Mission work in remote Alaska necessitates a heavy reliance upon air transportation. As such, many individual missionaries and supporting organizations own & operate their own aircraft. However, proper aircraft maintenance is not only time consuming & costly, it is very difficult in the harsh terrain & weather conditions of Alaska. To help our partners maintain a focus upon their primary mission efforts and to help ensure the safe operation of their aircraft, we operate a maintenance facility that sustains & repairs their aircraft at a much reduced cost to these ministries. This effort is done in addition to the large task of maintaining our own aircraft fleet in a state of near constant readiness.  

We are also one of the primary suppliers of aviation gasoline on the Kenai Peninsula, and we also utilize our inherent capability to support our mission partners in a variety of ways, from researching transportation costs to procurement & logistical support. To subsidize the flight & maintenance costs for our mission partners, we also offer our maintenance, fueling, parts service, and flight instruction to the local community at competitive rates. These commercial services allow MARC to be better stewards with the talents & resources God has provided our mission team.

Ministry maintenance
Ministry maintenance
  • Training Missionary-Minded Pilots & Mechanics

We’re privileged to reinvest our God-given aviation & maintenance talents into the lives of other Christians who share our concern for reaching the hearts of the Native Alaskans. Today we utilize our instructor-certified pilots to provide flight instruction to others who are interested in using aviation as a ministry tool; and we’re also honored to train pastors, missionaries, and other organizations in the field maintenance skills needed to operate in remote areas.  

Additionally, we intend to grow our capability to teach, train, disciple, and mentor missionary-minded Native Alaskans in aviation technology. This is essential to not only bridging the existing cultural gap between missionaries and the Native Alaskans, but also to increasing the economic potential in the villages. We believe growing indigenous mission aviation capability is vital to impacting remote Alaska with the hope of Jesus Christ.

Missionary Mechanic training
Missionary flight training